Our Company
Cyber Defense3 (CD3) provides customized cybersecurity solutions that center on three pillars: (1) governance, (2) risk management, and (3) compliance. CD3 works with clients in multiple industries, including the intelligence community, finance sector, infrastructure, health and human services, defense, and more.
Our Mission
To safeguard information and information systems by identifying and defending against cyber threats while also building the resiliency that businesses need to survive potential cyber-attacks.
Our Vision
To be the most trusted cyber security organization in the digital age.

Why Choose Us!

CD3 is the most trusted cybersecurity source for all of our clients.

CD3 staff consistently provide quality services that are reliable, responsive and effective. CD3 delivers better results by customizing cyber security solutions to meet individual client needs. CD3 provides cyber security solutions that safeguard our client’s technological assets and mitigate risks.

Better Results
Quality Work

Our Services

Governance, Risk, & Compliance

GRC services provide a comprehensive solution for managing an organization’s information security policies, defining and implementing a risk management framework, and developing and evaluating compliance structures for applicable laws and regulations.


Operation services provide tactical solutions for managing an organization more securely, including: infrastructure security, data privacy and protection, vulnerability management, threat detection and response, and cloud security.


Advisory services are designed to assess an organization’s cybersecurity infrastructure and recommend customized solutions that mitigate risk and protect assets. This includes strategic cyber security business and action planning, threat detection and response, cloud security, etc.

Contact with us

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