Our Company
Cyber Defense3 (CD3) provides customized cybersecurity solutions that center on three pillars: (1) governance, (2) risk management, and (3) compliance. CD3 works with clients in multiple industries, including the intelligence community, finance sector, infrastructure, health and human services, defense, and more.
Our Mission
To safeguard information and information systems by identifying and defending against cyber threats while also building the resiliency that businesses need to survive potential cyber-attacks.
Our Vision
To be the most trusted cyber security organization in the digital age.

Our Values

Be reliable, responsive and hard workers.

CD3 is committed to providing the highest level of service to every client. We build trust with our clients by embodying our values. We are consistent in the quality of service that we deliver, available when our clients need us, and most importantly, hard workers.

Prioritize the client’s best interest.

At CD3 we work to understand each client’s core business operations and organizational structure. This understanding helps CD3 effectively protect technological assets and mitigate potential risks. We take pride in being our clients most trusted cyber watchdog.

To inform and educate.

As subject matter experts, CD3 believes that it is important to empower our clients, partners and industry peers with the knowledge they need to be their own cyber security expert. We do this by staying up-to-date on the latest cyber threat tactics and informed about the most innovative mitigation strategies. We use this knowledge to consistently deliver for our clients.